Monday, April 13, 2009

Last October I was challenged by our ward's Relief Society to read the Four Gospels from October to Christmas and then the Book of Mormon from Christmas to Easter. Yesterday I finished. Fitting so much time to read in my day (sometimes a lot more than others as I played catch-up) has been such a part of my life these last months that I feel I have to share what has become a part of me. What a great experience to walk with Jesus everyday as I spiritually prepared for Christmas. For the Book of Mormon we were given a brand new book and a newly sharpened pencil and encouraged to highlight everything that described the characteristics of God. The words I highlighted the most were:

Power of his Word

Of course there were others, but these words were found countless times. You could find one of these words on almost every page. It amazed me how the book came to life to me in a very different way. I felt so enlightened as I began to see that this book is not only a history and a record full of amazing doctrine as well as a Testament of Jesus Christ, but is also a plea from our loving Father in Heaven for us to let Him into our individual lives. Story after story relates the Lord's hand- guiding, leading, supporting, prospering, and delivering. I am SO thankful that I was given this challenge! I am so grateful for my new understanding of God's will to be a part of my life.

Every time I finish the Book of Mormon I am so touched by the sacrifices made by countless people so that I can hold a copy in my hands. I know it the Word of God. I KNOW that there is GREAT POWER in its pages. I pray that I can be submissive and humble enough to ask the Father to let this power be a part of my every day life. I bare my testimony of its truthfulness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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