- Facebook: really, where else do you get the true low down? Plus I've even been treated to sweet messages on my wall and in my inbox on occasion. This way I know who is sick, who has a big paper due, who is studying for a test, and who is having a downer day and on the flip side who just went on a fun trip or had something exciting happen.
- Ice Cream: the president and I are trying to take one of the girls out every week until we've seen them all. This has been AMAZING! They open up so much and tell you about their dreams and what is bothering them and we always ask "what can we do as YW leaders to make this a better experience for you?" My favorite reply was "Just check up on me so I have someone to be accountable too." (This came from a girl who hasn't received permission to be baptized yet.)
- Sending notes: our president is awesome about snapping a picture of the leaders and making costco cards to send out for every holiday, telling the girls we love them. She also encourages us to send out thank you notes to the girls when they've helped with a program or accomplished something for YW's.
- Phone calls: we had a season of "discord" among some of the girls and it was amazing how much a phone call just to see how they were doing meant to them. I had one girl break down on the phone and really share her heart with me. I think they really appreciated the fact that I noticed they were unhappy and cared enough to call.
- Notice events: One girl had her wisdom teeth out but I didn't find out until Sunday when she wasn't at church. I wanted to bring her something but couldn't go to the store, so I just put a ribbon on a box of pudding and brought it over. We ended up visiting for 1/2 hour and it was a great way to get to know her better. Showing up at other events like plays, games, or performances are things I need to do better at, but I'm sure would be fun and meaningful to the girls.
What are your ideas? I'd love to hear your ideas of works for you to get to know your girls!!!!